Blues is a Black dance, and it's vital that those of us who are not from that culture actively and positively contribute to the wellbeing, safety, and equal rights of Black people today. 


For dance teachers

Karida Griffith's Roots, Rhythm, & Race courses


For anyone helps you learn a little bit each day and take related actions. Read their archives for past topics as well.

Black Lives Matter: An Internet Syllabus is an excellent resource on the Black Lives Matter movement, its history, its tactics, info on common responses like ‘all lives matter’ / ‘Black on Black crime’, and more. is a great place for learning about white privilege, systemic racism, white fragility, and anti-racism for the first time. Also includes further learning resources–books, podcasts, & folks to follow on Instagram.

Collective Voices for Change has resources and replays for dance community members, teachers, organizers, and more


advocacy & action

The Movement for Black Lives lists many policies you can learn about, advocate for, and get involved in

Right to Be holds bystander intervention and de-escalation trainings


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